Posts Tagged ‘ finite ’

Evolution is not attached to definitions

Nothing is definite.
A definition is a prison of finite.
Everything is a process in motion.
We experience the difference
Not the current state.
Relativity and conditioning
Allows us infinite evolutionary potentials.
Let us be aware
A definition is a trap and a delusion.
Perhaps an infinition would be more appropriate
To serve in our evolution…

– Travis the Traveler

Illusory Finite

See not with the eyes
Hear not with the ears
The blind and the deaf
Are miraculously healed
Or shall we say freed
From the obligations
Of the illusory finite

– Travis the Traveler

Transcending Finite

At what point does your spirituality transcend religion?
At what point does your wonder transcend philosophy?
At what point are the finite constructs shattered by the infinite forces which built them?

Where to Live?

To live in thought is to perceive finitely

To live in sense is to perceive infinitely