Words and Sense

Do words make sense?
Or does sense make words?

Here is an old set of predefined words for you to use in order to make sense. You may not change the definitions of these words to make sense. Therefore, your overall sense of reality must fit into the predefined sense of reality of these old words. Your sense must match and agree with the sense that created these words. If your sense challenges the meanings of these words, or the sense that created them, you must turn around and start again in a way that does not challenge the meanings… now, convey a sense that is truly yours… You can’t. But how would you even realize this if your thoughts are made up of these old words?

Up and Down is a concept that does not exist outside of a micro perception. The question of up or down is as relevant as the question of the length of the internet. Realizing this makes it simple to see the difference between linear and non-linear concepts. It is not sensible to count your money as more or less and think that is the point. It is sensible to perceive the flow of resources to have a sense of how it moves. It is sensible to know that blindly pushing toward our relative upward is the most reckless thing we can do. Climbing the ladder toward nothing… all we will experience is the climbing and falling itself when the carrot we sought was already in each of us. Then it is realized that we were not moving up, but only traveling outward from ourselves.

Smart is a word to encourage obedience. We are trained to be smart, because it is more important than having perspective in light of the objective to have cooperation in nourishing a dependency system. Most smart people will see adventurous people as not so smart. They will say that the risk of losing is why. They believe in winning the reward of a reassuring label more than they sense the meaning of every experience being communication on a divine level, especially the experiences that may be perceived as losing. It is noted that these people are often self aware of the fact that they admire the courage of the adventurous despite the reassuring smart label that they must hang onto.

Logic is a word that gives hierarchy to reason. Logic conforms to what is valued. Reason is the P.R. agent. You can make it conclude anything you want it to if you are creative enough. Just watch people who are really good at manipulating others. They have no problem concluding what they wish in the realm of logic by assessing the picture from calculated angles.

Words can be spells. That is why they are spelled out and that is why the powerful words are called “curse” words. Symbolism and subliminal conditioning is naturally inherent in everything. Once recognized, you enable choice through awareness. If denied, be swayed by what is not.

  1. A wonderful post! Your words make sense to me.

    • Thank you Bejamin! My sense arranged the words in a way that agrees with your sense. The sense is first born. Then it is analyzed, interpreted and conveyed. The words are not to be trusted so much!

      • Yes, I see what you’re saying, or at least I agree in this one sense.

  2. brilliant observations 🙂 the power of words is undeniable.

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